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Flood Risk Assessment AI


Reduce Analysis Time: Harness the Power of AI and Simulation

Do you have such challenges?


Simulation experts are personalized.

Are there insufficient personnel with the necessary diverse knowledge for conducting simulations?


High computational cost of simulation.

Are simulations burdened by high computational costs due to the requirement of numerous parameters?


Large amount of data simulation required.

Do you need a large amount of data and a large number of trials to obtain simulation results, and is it taking a huge amount of time to output the results?

Flood Risk Assessment AI solves such challenges

Flood Risk Assessment AI features


Eliminating personalization with AI parameter estimation.

AI can be used to estimate parameters based on measured actual values, thereby eliminating subjectivity.


AI and simulation: Cost-efficient calculation.

With the measured data, the AI technology and simulation can acquire the results.


Fewer data, fewer attempts to analyze.

By measuring a few selected points within the area, we can analyze the entire area, leading to efficient data preparation.

Flood damage prediction and estimation. In addition, even a little data can be used for simulation of various infrastructures, such as gas diffusion source identification / visualization of carbon emissions.


The photo is a sample image

Pre-Overflow Flood Prediction

We predict the probability of river overflow several hours in advance, using weather data and other information to assist in the prevention and mitigation of disasters.


  • Weather data

  • Observation data

  • Topographic data

Before Overflow

  • Flood Height Prediction AI System


  • Flood Height Information

  • Flooded Area Information

Estimated Inundation Damage after River Flooding

This system can be used to assess the flood damage situation after river flooding and help speed up insurance claim payments. Click here to see the simulation image.


The photo is a sample image


  • Topographic data of measured inundation heights

After Overflow

  • Flood Height Prediction AI System


  • Flood Height Information

  • Flooded Area Information


The photo is a sample image

Visualization of Carbon Emissions

The high computational cost of the simulation load is reduced using advanced mathematics to measure carbon emissions.


  • Map Infomation

  • Environmental Infomation

  • Weather Infomation

  • Power Consumption Infomation

AI System

Algorithm for calculating carbon emissions using advanced mathematics


Visualization of carbon emissions in designated areas

Case Studies

(Link to Japanese Page)


Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Company, Limited

Flooding simulation enables up to 1/5 reduction in claim payment lead time.


The photo is a sample image

NTT DATA Corporation

Provided AI simulation technology to Beppu City and NTT Data in a collaboration agreement to promote urban development.

​Arithmer has solutions for solving challenges in a variety of industries.
Please feel free to contact us for more information​.

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